Favorite photos from my most recent trip to the Windy City (now there's a nickname!):

Late night snow fall on Saturday night - perfect! It came after all my work days were done, just enough to be beautiful and not enough to make everything a hassle.

Inside the Audio Arts & Acoustics Department at Columbia College Chicago. The building used to be a bank, and the acoustics in the bank vault are so awesome that they kept it intact (after ensuring that the door cannot close, of course!).

Beard Papa's now in Chicago! Freshly made cream puffs, and they are every bit as awesome as they sound.

Seriously, Jewel, who calls a doughnut a "Yeast Ring?" No wonder you are in so much trouble. Well, there's also the new Trader Joe's across the street, that's probably not helping, either.

Had a very tasty breakfast at Yolk, on 10th and Michigan.

Would you pay $6 to park your bike for the day in downtown Chicago? Neither would anyone else, apparently.

Most ridiculous thing I saw during my recent visit, the new Roosevelt University building, which towers over the old Roosevelt University building in a most unattractive way.
Wow, where to start...
Whaddayamean they can't close the bank vault door? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of the soundproofing?
$6 bike parking? Seriously?
And Louis Sullivan is definitely doing 300 RPM in his grave. Give Roosevelt University a few million dollars, and they build this? Yikes.
Hmmm, college students vs. perfect acoustics, what to do, WHAT TO DO? The acoustics are still really awesome, even with the door open.
First bike parking lot I've ever seen and it's completely empty.
Roosevelt, eating our dust and flailing wildly.
Back in your cage Peteena!
Hi! I came a across and visited your blog coz I'm a fan of Peteena.. :)
I linked the http://www.peteena.com/ (I suppose it's your site?) website on my blog http://rockteraptor.blogspot.fi/ , I hope it's okay :)
Greetings, Lara
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