www.exploreelko.com manages to make Elko, Nevada seem way more exciting than it is while missing its real charm. We stayed at the Shilo Inn, which was pet-friendly, had a pool AND had a movie multi-plex, two restaurants, a Starbucks, a Joann Fabric and a Famous Footwear within walking distance - that's my kind of place!

Brian and I spent a few days there recently, visiting family (on Brian's father's side). Here's the view up I-80 from the Shilo, which I had a lot of time to contemplate while waiting for Morty to do his business.
We had a hillbilly picnic while on the way to the Ruby Marshes.
The Ruby Marshes themselves were incredibly beautiful, and almost completely devoid of people on a Saturday afternoon.

Brian (right)and his brother, Thayer, after a little rock-climbing.
Brian at the height (ahem) of the afore-mentioned rock climbing expedition (overlooking the South Fork of the Humboldt River).
It was all a bit much for Morty, who is old, fat, AND lazy. Fortunately for him, Brian's mom, Pam, had a broken foot and was not as mobile as usual, so Mort and I hung out with her. On the other hand, he got more meaty treats on this trip than he's probably had in the entire previous year, so it wasn't really so awful.

Taken while walking in one of the campgrounds at Lamoille Canyon. The campgrounds host's campsite is at the base of the mountain.

Basque Family Style Dining at the Star Hotel, where they bring you bread, soup, salad, Basque beans, green beans and french fries before plopping down in front of you the biggest piece of animal flesh you've ever seen. (Yes, I did cave and have the salmon, which would have been three salmon entrees at any other restaurant.)
All in all, a lovely getaway. Go ahead, explore Elko!
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