Blogger has apparently fixed its photo uploading problem, so I can finally post some pics of my last morning in Tokyo wandering the grounds of the old Imperial Palace. A very beautiful and tranquil place, which my Treo camera will, unfortunately, not do justice. This first photo is the view from the street where we entered, across the street from our hotel.

This building is a music conservatory that's on the grounds, with mosaic tile murals of birds on the six-sided large structure in the back.

This grate is where the food comes out for the fish. They apparently know when to expect the good stuff to come out, because they were all swarming the area and went completely nuts when the grate opened.

I've finished my nightmare of an expense report (with its eight different currencies and receipts with no recognizable characters other than the numbers), and am working on preparing my report for Columbia College. Have a meeting scheduled in Chicago on December 3 to go over the trip with them. My recent travels figure less and less in my dreams, and I'm finally starting to feel like my head has caught up with the rest of me in the states. I have a vague plan to get my photos organized and get them up on Flickr (I have LOTS that no one has seen yet), and am trying to figure out what the heck to do with this blog now that I'm back. Will keep you posted.
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