Fear not for our welfare, for whatever the name of this strange and exotic land, we call it home. The people smile and bow to us, and treat us like royalty (which we are).
We finally understand the great need for secrecy thus far. We surmise there has been some kind of conspiracy against us in our country of origin for these many years, and now our fearless and most excellent manager, Stephanie, has spirited us away (albeit belatedly) to safety. Our only regret is the sad state of our wardrobe, but no doubt we will be outfitted in the finest silks and jewels and installed in the royal palace any day now.
Until then, we live in the lap of luxury. Here are some photos:

We greet our new legions of fans from our very own bus.

We are welcomed with a garland of orchids and a glass of lemongrass soda at our hotel.

The view from our room.

More of our luxurious accommodations.

We lounge by the koi pond.

They have opened a shop in our honor.

We wait by the phone for the call that will summon us to the royal palace.
With Much Poodle Love,
Yay! At last, a post from her royal highness!
Hey! Hey Hey Hey! Hey! Hey Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey Hey Hey!
Hey Hey Hey Hey!
Hey Hey!
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