Thought we'd take a family portrait before my departure. Brian and Peteena cooperated fully, Mordecai and Violet did not. Here are some of the results:
This is the only one that has (parts of) all five of us in it:
And here's my overall favorite (taken after we gave up the project):
hey stephanie hope you arrived safe and have had at least a chance to look out your window before heading off to your first fair. Just remember that in Thailand they call if food and not Thai food. with luck you will still be speaking to us after the tour ends. in addition to office reorganization and staff changes we have just renovated the office itself. looking forward to hearing the war stories
hey stephanie
hope you arrived safe and have had at least a chance to look out your window before heading off to your first fair. Just remember that in Thailand they call if food and not Thai food. with luck you will still be speaking to us after the tour ends. in addition to office reorganization and staff changes we have just renovated the office itself. looking forward to hearing the war stories
The excitement builds as minionly legions await with bated breath for word from her Exaulted High Coolness!!!
Most ignored the nasty taste the worms left in their mouths.
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